Do you like joining blog contests? I really do. Don't say I'm like a child. Simple blog contests hosted by Nuffnang and other bloggers make me thrilled and happy. Last February, I was chosen as one of the winners by Stylebible Valentine contest. I never thought that my Valentine photo got their attention. I found the other contestants so pretty. Maybe, I've won the contest because I did the right thing. My outfit spells Valentine's Day feel, that's why. Other contestants failed to do that! I'm glad I still have my brains. Hahaha!
Going back to Nuffnang, just see the banner floating before this post if you want to know about it.It's Asia Pacific's first blog advertising company. They usually host contests for bloggers. I'm one of their active participants. So far, I've won twice with not really huge prizes, but very interesting. I'll continue doing so. Besides, they provide an opprtunity to earn money. To know more about it, just leave your comments in this post.
UPDATE: Sorry friends, I failed to tell you what I've won here. :) Nuffnang gave me and other winners bottles of lotion and perfume from DKNY. I gave the lotion to my sister-in-law that's why I don't have a photo of the product here. :) Thanks!
Jane and Karen (The Recessionista Sisters)